Microsoft patents a smart wearable, could launch its own toys to life range
Microsoft has submitted a patent for a smart wearable, with hints it might launch its own toys to life range.
According to a new patent, Microsoft could be planning a wearable bracelet-style device that could be used for unique gaming experinces.
The patent was filed with the World International Patent Organisation in April 2015, but wasn’t published until September 17, 2015.
If you read the included patent information, it states the device is made up of “interactive smart beads” that are attached to a “connecting element”.
The patent explains that these two elements of the device can translate interactions with any compatible objects into graphical representations.
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“The connecting element also autonomously generates interactions between two or more detected beads and transmits data about the interactions to a software experience so that a user can view a graphical representation of the interactions,” it explains.
“In various examples each bead represents a character, environment, object, etc. and the software experience displays an animated story based on the characters, environments, objects, etc. represented by the beads involved in an interaction.”
If you delve deeper into the patent, Microsoft explains that toys-to-life gaming experiences similar to Disney Infinity 3.0, Activision’s Skylanders and Nintendo’s amiibo have “also been developed”.
“Gameplay is enabled (or unlocked) through the use of physical character toys which are placed on a custom base connected to a games console. By placing different toys on the custom base, different gameplay is enabled.”