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Microsoft is planning a huge facelift for Windows, but will it come in 2021?

Microsoft is planning to give Windows 10 a major visual overhaul, according to a new job listing post on the company’s website.

The ad for a senior software engineer for the Windows Core User Experiences team tells us the company is planning a “sweeping visual rejuvenation of Windows experiences.”

The company says the revamp will tell users of the operating system that “Windows is BACK” and once again establish it as the “best user OS experience.”

The post sounds like it may be the first hint of a Windows 11 operating system, rather than another Windows 10 update, which have become much more modest as the years have gone on.

The posting (via Windows Latest) reads: “On this team, you’ll work with our key platform, Surface, and OEM partners to orchestrate and deliver a sweeping visual rejuvenation of Windows experiences to signal to our customers that Windows is BACK and ensure that Windows is considered the best user OS experience for customers.”

As the report points out, the hints of a ‘sweeping visual rejuvenation’ have been removed from the posting, after keen-eyed spotters published the listing on social media this weekend.

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What isn’t clear is how far advanced the project already is and whether the update can be expected in the relatively near future. There have been hints of UI changes in the last few months, with Windows Central reports revealing a project called Sun Valley, which would bring changes to the Start Menu, File Explorer and other core applications.

Apple’s macOS has enjoyed a bit of a resurgence during the last year following the work from home boom in 2020. Apple has also made significant strides in boosting its computing platform with the addition of the homegrown M1 processors bringing interoperability with iOS apps, Intel-beating performance and longer battery life. Is this part of Microsoft’s response?

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