Ready to cringe? Microsoft’s ‘bae interns’ are ‘getting lit on a Monday night’

Have you ever eaten so many hella noms, you couldn’t help but get lit on a Monday night? No, us neither. But Microsoft has.
Microsoft is making concerted efforts to get down with the kids, and, not surprisingly, it isn’tgoing too well.
Twitter user Patrick Burtchaell has posted what he claims are the contents of an email sent to his roommate by a Microsoft University recruiter, and it’s terrifyingly awkward.
The recruiter, known as “Kim”, says the following:
- “My crew is coming down…to hang with you”
- “There will be hella noms, lots of dranks”
- “Hell yes to getting lit on a Monday night”
If you need to take a moment away from the screen to allow your brain to register what you’ve just read, feel free.
Okay, better? Let’s get to the bottom of what some of Kim’s favourite terms really mean. Here are some definitions, courtesy of the eternally youthful Urban Dictionary. We’ve taken the first entries only:
Bae: Bae is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc.
Hella: Originated from the streets of San Francisco in the Hunters Point neighbourhood. It is commonly used in place of “really” or “very” when describing something.
Noms: An expression of eating, or a sound thereof.
Lit: When something is turned up or popping.
So aside from the gross misuse of the word “bae”, Microsoft’s cringe-tastic email largely makes sense.
But it’s still hella awkward, k?
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What do you think of Microsoft’s e-mail? Are you excited to get hella lit? Even on a Monday night? Let us know in the comments, reader bae.