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Microsoft confirms Surface Mini existed

A top Microsoft executive has finally confirmed that the Surface Mini existed in final form.

Microsoft’s corporate vice president in charge of devices, Panos Panay, has revealed that he was regularly using a compact version of the Microsoft Surface tablet two years ago.

Speaking in a recent Wired interview, Panay revealed that he used to keep the Surface Mini by his bed for jotting down his late night ideas. “It was like a Moleskine,” Panos said. “It was awesome.”

It was around this time that the concept for the Surface Book emerged, but the Microsoft Surface Mini never shipped. It was one of the enduring mysteries of 2014.

Multiple rumours reaching back to early 2013 and beyond suggested that Microsoft was readying a compact addition to its Surface tablet family. This was to be a 7-inch or 8-inch device to take on the iPad Mini.

Related: Microsoft Surface Book: 5 Features that will make you want one

Microsoft kind of acknowledged the Mini’s existence last July, as well as its likely death, but only in a roundabout way. The company’s earnings report at that time mentioned “a decision to not ship a new form factor.”

Now the company has outright confirmed that the Surface Mini existed in final form, but the tone of Microsoft’s main devices man (he uses the word “was” twice) suggests that it might be dead in the water.

Next, take a look at our Microsoft Surface 3 review video:

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