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LG G4 getting fingerprint sensor as last minute addition, report claims

LG is planning to add a fingerprint sensor onto its upcoming flagship LG G4 smartphone, a new report says.

According to KoreaHerald, the decision was made at the last minute in hopes of maximising the device’s potential ahead of next month’s expected launch.

LG Electronics has recently decided to deploy a fingerprint sensor on its next flagship smartphone and the scanner will be placed at the back of the device,” an industry source was quoted as saying.

The report goes on to claim that the fingerprint sensor will be embedded in the power button on the back of the device.

This would add an extra layer of security for LG’s flagship smartphone, and could provide a good foundation for LG to offer secure mobile payments.

Similar rumours emerged last year regarding the LG G3 launch, although a fingerprint sensor never actually made it to that device.

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With mobile payments now beginning to take off and consumer security concerns at an all time high, however, it would seem sensible for LG to adopt the technology for its flagship handset.

LG has been left behind in the race for fintech as it has continued to postpone the adoption of fingerprint technology,” another source was reported to say.

“With more global smartphone-makers incorporating a fingerprint reader, which is a security measure for mobile payments, LG may have had few options left but to deploy the authentication sensor for its next marquee smartphone.”

It’s worth noting that LG was yesterday reported as saying it would launch a new flagship line-up to stand above the G-series smartphones.

This means that if we don’t see a fingerprint sensor on the LG G4, we could very well see the tech on this upcoming mystery mobile range.

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