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Leaked image reveals yet another cool Galaxy Note 7 feature

The official Galaxy Note 7 launch is almost upon us, and if you thought the amount of leaked images hitting the internet had peaked, think again.

Although there’s almost nothing that’s going to be surprising about the handset at this point, the dedicated tipsters of the world have once again proven there’s always something left to leak.

And today we’ve got a new image that seems to reveal the phone will come with one of the Galaxy S7‘s best features.

The always-on display, which has been adopted by both Samsung and LG for their 2016 flagship phones, appears to be included on the Note 7 according to this image obtained by TechTastic.

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Note 7 leak

As you can see, the shot reveals an always-on display with the time and date shown above a series of icons – a layout which looks remarkably similar to some of the always-on display options for the Galaxy S7 Edge.

Which could either add to, or detract from, the image’s legitimacy, as such a layout seems plausible but could have been easily Photoshopped.

Either way, it seems unlikely that the Note 7 will arrive without this feature, seeing as both the S7 and S7 Edge come with it as standard.

The OLED tech Samsung uses for its screens also makes the always-on functionality an easy addition as it doesn’t require the entire screen to be backlit – just the relevant pixels – making it much less demanding on the battery.

Today’s image also appears to conform to previous leaks which show an array of lenses at the top of the phone, most likely to accommodate iris scanning technology, as well as the dual curved edge screen.

The high-end phone is set to officially launch on August 2, and could include a Snapdragon 823 chipset with 6GB of RAM.

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Are you excited for the Note 7? Let us know in the comments.

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