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Latest Game of Thrones trailer warns ‘the dead are coming’

We’re less than two weeks away from the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere and just when you thought you couldn’t be more hyped, HBO drops a brand new trailer.

*Potential spoilers ahead*

The two-minute slot features appearances from all of the major characters, including the one who may or may not be dead.

As you’d expect Cersie and Jaime Lannister appear to be up to no good, while sibling Tyrion is “drinking and knowing things” as per usual.

The dead continue to march following Jon Snow’s presumed demise while the Stark girls’ suffering shows little sign of abating.

See also: The GoT scene too gruesome for TV

Daenerys’ dreams of retaking the Iron Throne once again appear to be in tatters, but at least there’s a dragon sighting to offer some hope.

As you’d expect there’s also plenty of blood and sauce promised for the season ahead too.

Game of Thrones premieres on Sunday April 24.

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