Just Cause 3 suffers frame rate problems on both PS4 & Xbox One
Just Cause 3 suffers from frequent frame rate issues on both PS4 and Xbox One, according to a recent report.
There are dozens of explosions and other crazy things in Just Cause 3, and it’s proving quite taxing for modern consoles.
The latest title by Avalanche Studios runs at 1080p on PS4 and 900p on the Xbox One, targeting a locked framerate of 30fps.
Unfortunately, Just Cause 3 often fails to meet this framerate cap on both platforms, along with a number of other reported problems.
Digital Foundry’s analysis of the game reports consistent framerate issues during moments of intense action.
Related: PS4 vs Xbox One
The Xbox One seems to perform the worst, although the PS4 version has its fair share of problems too.
“Neither version of Just Cause 3 is able to sustain a locked 30fps, but it is indeed the Xbox One release that offers a noticeably lower level of in-game fluidity,” the site explained.
The console versions of Just Cause 3 “looks equivalent to the high setting on the PC game,” which is great news.
However, many PC players may have trouble running the game on mid-level machines.
“The GTX 950 paired with a Haswell Core i3 processor can easily run Just Cause 3 at 1080p maxed with SMAA anti-aliasing and 8x anisotropic filtering and stay well north of 30fps,” Digital Foundry said.
“Our ‘go to’ card for budget PC gaming – the GTX 750 Ti – does struggle though, dipping to a minimum 23fps even with shadow quality pared back to the high setting (though overclocking can help).”
We hope Avalanche Studios has plans to patch Just Cause 3 in the future, as the reported performance is less than ideal.
Just Cause 3 is now available for PS4, Xbox One and PC.