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Juri joins Street Fighter 5 roster

Juri is coming to Street Fighter 5, Capcom has revealed.

In a blog post, Capcom detailed all the moves Seth’s South Korean spy will be bringing to the roster.

Juri will also play a part in the new, free story DLC, “A Shadow Falls”, which will explore what she’s been up to in the time since her debut in SFIV.

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Her first V-Skill is called “Kasatsushu”, where Juri charges up before rushing her opponent, kicking them from behind. Her V-Trigger, “Feng Shui Engine Type Alpha”, sees Juri activate her left eye’s Feng Shui Engine, which can cancel all of her standard attacks into one another for massive chain combos. Lastly, her Critical Art, “Sakkai Fuhazan” kicks a large vertical blade towards the enemy which strikes multiple times.

You can check out Juri in action in the brand-new trailer:

Juri will be available to download from July 26 on both PC and PS4.

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