Indiegogo wants big companies to crowdfund
Crowdfunding website Indiegogo wants major companies to start testing their ideas through its service.
The concept of crowdfunding tends to revolve around startups with few resources attracting attention and funding for their product ideas. But as CES 2016 opens to the public, Indiegogo has revealed that it’s looking to attract multi-million pound companies into the mix.
Indiegogo has just launched Enterprise Crowdfunding, a service that offers to provide support to major companies looking to get their more unusual projects off the ground. The crowdfunding platform will help companies set up their Indiegogo campaign, with data analysis helping them hone their presentations.
Other than this, an Enterprise Crowdfunding campaign shouldn’t look or behave any differently to a normal one, although some will probably take exception to the fact that such companies can pay for prominent positioning on the Indiegogo website.
You might wonder why cash-rich companies even need to crowdfund their projects, but it seems this approach is less about the startup costs and more about testing the waters. Rather than conduct market research on whether a bold new concept will gain any traction, companies can use Indiegogo to go straight to the potential customers and ask them to put their money where their interest is.
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Services like Indiegogo, of course, also provide direct feedback from customers on how they want to see their backed projects develop. Bigger companies should, in theory, be able to shape their product ideas based on this.
Indiegogo has revealed that it is already working with General Electric, Harman International Industries, Hasbro, and Shock Top to get campaigns off the ground.