HTC One Android KitKat upgrade UK rollout halted
The HTC One Android KitKat update rollout in the UK has been halted due to user difficulties.
HTC has decided to pull the Android 4.4 KitKat update for its flagship HTC One for the time being, while it resolves the difficulties users are having with Google’s latest mobile OS.
Users have been complaining of poor battery life following the KitKat update, but HTC hasn’t explained the extent of the unspecified issues and whether the problems go beyond the battery life.
The temporary suspension comes just a week after the initial KitKat update rollout for the UK.
HTC America managed to push out a very quick KitKat update rollout, but unfortunately the British version seems to be having some problems.
It wasn’t even part of the first wave of European countries to get access to the latest Google mobile OS.
There’s no information as to when the KitKat rollout will begin again in the UK, especially as the HTC UK updates status page has relisted the update as being in the “integration” stage.
Read more: HTC One tips and tricks
Via: Android Central