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HTC dismisses monthly security updates as ‘unrealistic’

HTC has bucked the trend set by other leading Android manufacturers in refusing to commit to monthly security updates.

Google, Samsung, and LG have committed to providing such regular security-based software updates in the wake of the Stagefright bug outbreak.

However, HTC has not followed with its own commitments to such a rapid update programme.

This recently led one developer to question HTC America president Jason Mackenzie on Twitter over the company’s stance. “So why is @HTC not committing along with Google, LG and Samsung to give monthly security updates to its users?” he was asked.

“Because commitment to this is not realistic. In order to push an update you have to get carrier approval,” replied Mackenzie.

This refers to the necessity on Android to pass all software updates through the major mobile networks before release – one of the major reasons your phone takes ages to update to the latest version of Android.

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When it was pointed out that Samsung and LG were unlikely to commit to something “unrealistic,” Mackenzie seemed to suggest that their stance may be just that.

“Let’s see. HTC is leading in terms of transparency on updates and providing them. And we will continue to improve,” he wrote.

This hasn’t won HTC any fans in an what has already been a particularly difficult year for the company, but we have the sneaking suspicion that Mackenzie’s comments are on the money here.

Next, check out our HTC One M9 video review:

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