Honeywell Lyric smart thermostat with geofencing launched

Honeywell has unveiled a new smart thermostat that will rival Nest for style and features.
Taking on a bold glossy appearance, the Honeywell Lyric is clearly intended to take on the popular Google-owned solution in modern homes.
The Lyric monitors the heat in your home from a central location and makes adjustments based on a series of factors. This includes such things as the temperature outside, humidity levels, and the length of time necessary to heat your house.
You can control the temperature of your house with a neat dial that forms a rim around the Lyric. There’s also a weather forecast button, and one that switches between occupied and away mode.
Of course, if you have the Lyric app on your iPhone or Android phone, you won’t need that last button. Rather, the Lyric will use geofencing to detect your proximity to home and adjust the settings accordingly.
You can choose whether the Lyric starts to prepare your house at either 500 feet or seven miles away, which reflects the differences between city and suburban living.
You can also alter the heating settings remotely from your phone.
Lights on the back of the device will either cast a blue or an orange glow on the wall depending on whether the Lyric is in heating or cooling mode. A green glow means it’s in energy saving mode.
Naturally this has been designed with American air conditioning systems in mind, but there’s also a radiator version of the Honeywell Lyric that can help UK users control their hot water systems.
Out now in the US at a cost of $279 in the US, the Honeywell Lyric is a little more expensive than the equivalent Nest system (to the tune of $30). But then Honeywell is a far more established name in the field. There should be more connected devices in the Lyric family in the future, too, including lights.
Expect to see the Honeywell Lyric hitting the UK some time in 2015.
Read More: Smart Thermostats in the UK
Via: Pocket-lint