Here’s how much Han Solo’s jacket is worth today

Leather apparel never comes cheap, but the winning bid at the auction of Han Solo’s iconic jacket was truly out of this world.
A Star Wars fan has paid $191,000 (£134,000) for the jacket worn – and signed – by Harrison Ford in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Ford donated the money earned through the auction to the NYU Langone Medical Centre and the FACES Foundation, which aims to find a cure for epilepsy.
The star’s own daughter – Georgia Ford, aged 25 – is an epilepsy sufferer. Speaking about her illness, Harrison previously told the New York Daily News:
“When you have a loved one who suffers from this disease, it can be devastating. You know how it affects their lives, their future, their opportunities, and you want desperately to find mitigation. You want to find a way that they can live a comfortable and effective life.”
It’s estimated that there are 600,000 UK citizens with epilepsy, which works out at about one in every 103 people. In the USA, it’s estimated that 150,000 people develop epilepsy each year.
Ford’s Han Solo character has appeared in four Star Wars movies to date: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and 2016’s The Force Awakens.
Aside from his jacket, Solo is also known for his long-time friendship with Wookie co-pilot Chewbacca, and his unattractive but capable ship, the Millenium Falcon.
How much would you pay for Harrison Ford’s iconic jacket? Let us know in the comments.