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Han Solo, Princess Leia and more playable in Star Wars Battlefront

DICE has confirmed that Han Solo, Princess Leia and Palpatine will be playable in Star Wars Battlefront.

Writing on Playstation Blog, Lead hero designer Jamie Keen described the role each character will play and the abilities they can use.

Princess Leia will play a support role, applying buffs to teammates as they rush into battle. Those who spawn nearby Leia will be transformed into Alderaan Honor Guards with their own unique skills.

Leia’s offensive skill is known as Trooper Bane, which allows her to fire a quick and powerful shot with her blaster that “packs a real punch.”

Supply Drop is another one of Leia’s powers, which is used to deliver a variety of power ups to ground troopers or health boosts for fellow heroes.

Han Solo is much like the rebellious gunslinger seen in the films, and his powers are made to reflect that.

He plays in a similar fashion to your regular Rebel Trooper, albeit far more powerful. Han Solo is engineered for “offensive output, damage, and mobility.”

His three hero abilities are: Rapid Fire, Lucky Shot and Shoulder Charge. Rapid Fire does what it says on the tin, letting you fire off a quick burst of shots.  

Lucky Shot allows you to “build up and release” power that can be used against vehicles and infantry, and can even break Darth Vader’s block if you’re lucky.

Shoulder Charge is a defensive move that can be used to get out a tight situation, or quickly maneuver into battle when needed.

Related: Star Wars Battlefront Preview


Finally we have Emperor Palpatine, whose main attack is his infamous Force Lightning, which can affect a number of targets within its range.

His other attacks are Imperial Resources and Force Dash, the latter allows for faster movement across the battlefield, so Palpatine isn’t walking about Hoth like a grumpy pensioner.

Imperial Resources works exactly like Leia’s Supply Drop ability, providing power ups and health pick ups for your teammates.

Star Wars Battlefront launches on November 19 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.


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