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Hailo slams driverless cars, beams cabbies’ faces onto London landmarks

Hailo is unhappy with the burgeoning driverless car sector, and is showing its opposition in a very unique way.

The taxi app company is projecting the faces of London cabbies onto city landmarks, seemingly to sway the public in favour of human-operated motors.

The heartstring-tugging ploy is being called ‘face to faceless’, with cabbies’ mugs beamed on some of the most recognisable spots of the capital.

It’s reportedly in response to UK Chancellor George Osborne’s recent announcement of £100 million in extra funding for driverless car research.

Gary Bramall, Hailo’s CMO, said: “People don’t want robots; they need to know that their driver will get them from A to B safely and securely.”

“Nothing can replace the relationship a passenger builds with their driver and we need to stand up for drivers.”

He continued: “Cabbies have been a part of this city for hundres of years and the move towards driverless cars is killing not only an entire profession, but a huge part of Britain’s heritage.”

Related: What is Uber?

Hailo’s ‘Face to Faceless’ project comes one month before National Cabbie Day on April 27.

“By heroing cab drivers and projecting their faces over iconic London landmarks, we hope passengers remember there’s more to a journey than just the vehicle,” Bramall concluded.

Somewhat ironically, Hailo has actually been a bit of a pain in the backside for cabbies worldwide.

Along with rival ride-sharing service Uber, Hailo has come under fire for undercutting official taxi companies, and scooping up cabbie profits.

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