Hacking group warns Sony Pictures to withdraw The Interview or else…

The group behind the ongoing attack on Sony have reissued its demands and told Sony to withdraw a contentious movie or face the consequences.
In a new threat posted on Monday, the hacking collective known as GOP said the only way out for Sony is to pull The Interview movie.
The film at the centre of the controversy stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as journalists sent by the CIA to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
The group wrote: “We have already given our clear demand to the management team of Sony, however, they have refused to accept. It seems that you think everything will be well, if you find out the attacker, while no reacting to our demand. We are sending you our warning again. Do carry out our demand if you want to escape us.
“And, stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the War! You, Sony & FBI, cannot find us. We are perfect as much. The destiny of Sony is totally up to the wise reaction & measure of Sony.”
The controversy continues to engulf Sony. Late last week it emerged the company had kept thousands of passwords in a file directory called ‘Password,’ while the private details of thousands of clients were also leaked onto the web.
In an internal email reportedly obtained by Recode, the firm’s acknowledged the attack. In comments attributed to a security expert helping Sony with the attack, a memo sent out to the company’s employees read: “This attack is unprecedented in nature. The malware was undetectable by industry standard antivirus software and was damaging and unique enough to cause the FBI to release a flash alert to warn other organizations of this critical threat.”
Earlier on Monday it was reported the PlayStation Network went down as a result of an attack by a group called the Lizard Squad. The two attacks are not believed to be related.
It’ll be interesting to see whether Sony has a reaction to this latest threat given the specific nature of the new demands.
It certainly seems like the hackers are holding all of the cards at this stage. Will Sony submit to the threats?
Read more: Sony RX100 III review
Via: Gizmodo