Google Code closing down

Google is shutting down its development project hosting site, Google Code, due to a lack of popularity.
Since 2006, Google Code has played host to various open source development projects, allowing developers to assemble, discuss, and gain help for their programming efforts.
However, with the emergence of GitHub and other project hosting sites like Bitbucket, Google’s Code’s popularity – and hence usefulness – has dwindled significantly.
Google itself admits that it’s no longer the best option for developers in a recent blog post. “We’ve seen a wide variety of better project hosting services such as GitHub and Bitbucket bloom,” it concedes. Indeed, Google has already migrated a number of Google Code projects to GitHub.
That’s the main reason why the company has announced that it is shuttering the Google Code service. The other is that many of the remaining projects on Google Code constitute either spam or abuse. “Lately, the administrative load has consisted almost exclusively of abuse management,” the company says.
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To that end, Google Code is closing. As of yesterday, new projects are no longer accepted, while it will go read-only on August 24. Then, on January 25, the Google Code project hosting service with be shut up altogether.
The post features links to migration tools that will help developers move their projects off Google Code to one of those aforementioned alternatives.