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Google CEO worries he ‘disappointed his father’

Being at the helm of one of the world’s biggest technology companies is no small thing, right?

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, is worried that the career path he chose may have left his father dissatisfied.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Pichai reportedly “worries his father is still disappointed that he didn’t go further in school”.

“I think if you talked to my dad, he’s probably stil regretting that I didn’t complete my Ph.D,” explains Pichai.

“He had to leave college after his undergrad,” the CEO continues. “He wanted to learn more, but because of financial reasons he couldn’t do it.”

“I think he always wanted me to continue on,” Pichai adds.

sundar pichaiPichai reportedly earns $50 million a year

According to the report, Pichai had a “fortunate” upbringing: “His father was an engineer, and he access to education. The family had enough money for a scooter, which all four of them – himself, and his father, mother, and brother – would sometimes ride at once.”

Pichai was born in Madurai, a major city in the state of Tamil Nadu, in Southern India. He earned a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, before moving to the United States to continue studying.

While in the US, Pichai acquired an MS in Material Sciences and Engineering at Stanford University, and an MBA at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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Google hired Pichai in 2004, and eventually came to oversee Android in early 2013. Pichai was announced as the new Google CEO on August 10 last year.

The Google CEO is said to earn a salary of $50 million, and reportedly holds shares worth over £300 million in Google and Alphabet.

What do you think of Pichai’s career path? Let us know in the comments.

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