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Google Assistant now lets you book movie tickets with your voice

Google has commemorated May The Fourth by enabling folks to order movie tickets with voice commands.

The Google Assistant present on mobile devices and the Home speaker range, now boasts integration with Fandango, the popular mobile ticketing service.

The new feature (via Engadget) comes, aptly, on the same day tickets for Solo: A Star Wars Story, this summer’s standalone spin-off, went on sale.

As well as buying tickets, Assistant users will be able to request showtimes in their local area.

Related: Google Home vs Amazon Alexa

The conversation will probably go something like this: “OK Google,” followed by “show me showtimes for Solo: A Star Wars Story.”

Once those showtimes appear, it’ll be possible to say “Buy tickets for thew 7:10pm screening at *insert cinema name*”

This should complete the transaction, if you have Fandango set up properly on your phone. If you need to reserve seats for the screening, Google will open up the Fandango app and you’ll need to do it the old fashioned way.

It’ll also be possible to ask for trailers, or information on the cast and crew using the Google Assistant.

The Star Wars Day festivities continue by feeding the Assistant some Star Wars-themed utterances.

Give these a shot:

“I am your father.”
“Aren’t you a little short for a storm trooper?”
“Use the force”
“May the force be with you.”
“That’s not a moon.”

As we reported earlier today, Amazon’s Alexa personal assistant is also getting in on the Force-themed fun.

How are you celebrating Star Wars Day? Use the force of Twitter to let us know @TrustedReviews.

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