Good Lord! Wisdom Tree’s Christian NES games enjoy a second coming

The gaming world may be abuzz with the pending release of an officially licensed plug-and-play NES, but one firm is hoping to steal its thunder with some help from the big man upstairs.
Yes, Wisdom Tree – the company that’s been making unlicensed video games, based on bible stories, since the original NES and SNES were on sale – is back.
The company has taken to Kickstarter (via Gizmodo) in the hopes of selling spiritual gamers the NES-on-a-chip Arkade console, featuring all seven of its “classic” titles on a single multicart.
Related: Where to pre-order the Nintendo Mini NES in the UK
Before you say “What classics?”, you must have heard of Bible Adventures and Spiritual Adventures? How about Sunday Funday and the Zelda-inspired Spiritual Warfare?
What do you mean “no”? How about Bible Buffet and King of Kings?
Peace be with you, Kickstarters.
Whether Nintendo will be willing to let this slide remains to be seen. The company has taken a pretty dim view on potential IP infractions in recent times. Earlier this month, it put the mockers on an NES artwork book project.