Get ready for the world’s first Pokemon General Election

The Pokemon Company has announced the very first Pokemon General Election, and all 720 of them are in the running.
Voting can be carried out at various Toys “R” Us and Pokemon Center branches across Japan by placing your vote in adorable Pokeball themed ballot boxes.
Nintendo 3DS owners can also vote online by using their Nintendo 3DS console. To do this they have to access the 7-Spot Wi-Fi network at select 7-Eleven convenience stores.
Pikachu might seem like the obvious frontrunner, but the election has a few creative tricks up its sleeve to keep voters interested.
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Those who watch the Pokemon X&Y film in cinemas this Summer will receive a free download code for the winning Pokemon to use in-game, giving rare types a huge advantage.
The poll will open on April 16, lasting until May 8 in Japan.
Who would you vote for? Let us know in the comments.