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Could Brits be facing a wait for the PS5 as US gets first dibs?

The Sony PS5 will arrive before end of the year. This much we know for sure. However, new hints have suggested some folks may get access to the next-gen machine before others.

A recent trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War trailer promised the PS5 version of the game was “Coming Holiday 2020: US and Canada,” while advertising a “Late 2020” launch in the “rest of the world.”

Now, the anomaly spotted by Twitter user Riaan van Wyk, might just be down to the turn of phrase. While the US and Canada generally use the term “Holidays” to describe the period from late November to the end of the year, it is not widely used elsewhere.

On the contrary, it could indeed point to a staggered release date for the Sony PS5, which gives the North American region priority. Since the tweet was sent last weekend, the company has re-uploaded a version of the trailer that removes that messages, according to GamesRadar.

Meanwhile, the website for the game still advertises “the PlayStation 5 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is scheduled for release Holiday 2020 in the US and Canada, and in late 2020 for the rest of the world.”

Related: PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X

The report is an interesting twist on the speculation over when Sony will actually release the PS5 console. Previously, Sony CEO Jim Ryan has said: “We are going to launch this holiday and we’re going to launch globally.”

All that guarantees is everyone will get the console before the end of the year, but there may be some favoured nations. Just last week, respected games journalist Andy Robinson of VCG said the site’s “development and retail sources” point to a UK release date in the middle of the month, possibly on November 13.

Robinson wrote: “In the UK, we understand that PlayStation has already booked significant marketing spend for the seven days commencing on Friday, November 13. Multiple retail sources have also told us that a launch during this window would fit within their expectations.”

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