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Metro Exodus being exclusive to Epic Games Store is “unfair,” says Valve

Yesterday it was announced by Epic Games and Deep Silver that Metro Exodus will be launching exclusively for the Epic Games Store on PC.

Steam pre-orders will be honoured on the digital storefront, although considering it was already up for pre-purchase on Valve’s platform, the company isn’t best pleased.

Writing in a statement following the announcement, Valve described the sudden change of platform as “unfair” to players:

“We think the decision to remove the game is unfair to Steam customers, especially after a long pre-sale period. We apologize to Steam customers that were expecting it to be available for sale through the February 15th release date, but we were only recently informed of the decision and given limited time to let everyone know.”

Deep Silver has confirmed that all premium downloadable content for Metro Exodus will continue to be sold on the Steam Store with Epic taking no exclusivity on that front.

Epic Games has made billions in revenue since the surge in popularity of Fortnite, leading it to begin pushing into the PC space more than ever before, and who can really blame them. 

Having already scooped up The Division 2 as an Epic Games Store exclusive, Metro Exodus could be the next step in a number of acquisitions for the company.

Metro Exodus is set to launch for PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 15, 2019. We loved what we’ve played so far, believing it takes the series into the open-world realm without sacrificing what made past entries so special.

What do you think about Metro Exodus moving to the Epic Games Store? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter @trustedreviews.

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