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Marvel’s Avengers post-game explained: What happens when you beat the campaign?

The solo campaign is just the beginning in Marvel’s Avengers, acting as a solid introduction to its varied mixture of heroes and rather complicated mission structure. 

Once the credits roll, you’ll be thrown into a melting pot of character progression, loot hunting and endgame missions which really help the mixture of combat and team dynamics come alive. It still needs some work, but you can’t fault Crystal Dynamics for its ambition. 

There’s a lot to dig into, and it can be rather complicated, so we’re here to help smooth things out. While the solo campaign is a robust adventure in itself, there’s so much content waiting for those hoping to jump into the post-game grind with confidence. 

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Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers post-game explained – Quests and Missions

Upon clearing the solo campaign and defeating MODOK, you’ll be encouraged to jump into The Avengers Initiative. This is a brand-new questline which focuses primarily on S.H.I.E.L.D and their confrontations with villains such as Abomination and Taskmaster. You can also jump into iconic mission storylines focusing on each hero, which you might have missed or lacked the power level to tackle previously. 

You’ll be working alongside Maria Hill as you embark on missions to uncover ancient vaults, AIM labs and other locations key to progressing the overall questline. While you can begin this mode before clearing the campaign, it’s encouraged that you don’t due to spoilers and throwing the overall sense of character progression out of whack. 

Sadly, beyond a few new variations, the type of missions you’ll be embarking on are very similar to what you’ll encounter in the main campaign. You’ll inevitably end up descending down an elevator to destroy generators or watch over computer terminals while Jarvis hacks into the mainframe. It can become old fast, which can make enhancing characters a little frustrating. 

It remains unclear if and when things will become more diverse with future updates, although we expect this will be one of the first major criticisms Crystal Dynamics will seek to address. The arrival of characters like Hawkeye and Spider-Man will likely come with their own bespoke selection of quests, which will hopefully be more than just carbon copies of existing ones. 

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Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers post-game explained – Loot and character progression

Upon finishing the campaign, the majority of my heroes hadn’t passed double digits in the level department, meaning their skill trees were hardly filled, and the mastery line of abilities wasn’t unlocked at all. So, much of the post-game missions will be spent getting to grips with characters and how their abilities will be implemented moving forward. 

Sadly, experience points aren’t shared between heroes and there’s no way to dynamically switch during missions, so you’ll need to play entire missions as a singular hero to effectively progress their level and unlock certain skills. This will require a lot of investment, especially for those like me who decided to mainline a certain hero throughout the campaign. 

Thankfully, loot is awfully generous, and it’s easy to amass a selection of legendary gear and enough to enhance them with relevant resources. So long as you’re accepting challenges, you will also naturally unlock tiers in each character’s challenge card for new skins, nameplates and other cosmetic goodies. These are merely for the aesthetic, and won’t have any mechanical impact on gameplay.

While new campaign and story missions will eventually arrive, your time will be spent in Warzone, Drop Zones and Iconic Missions in search of loot, experience points and slowly approaching mastery with each hero. The live service elements of Marvel’s Avengers are certainly underbaked right now, but it has a lot of potential. We’ll be sure to update this article with any new additions moving forward.

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