Battlefield 6 News: Next-gen focus, meet last-gen compatibility

EA is yet to officially reveal the new Battlefield game, but has confirmed the sixth instalment will be playable on the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.
During this week’s earnings call, EA said game will be built for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, but will also playable on the last-gen consoles despite the next-gen development focus
Given the shortages in availability for the new consoles, likely to continue throughout 2021, the decision gives gamers the chance to play the game before upgrading to a next-gen system and enjoying the best Xbox Series X/S games or the best PS5 games.
“Battlefield will be available for both current-gen and next-gen as will our sports titles,” EA boss Andrew Wilson confirmed during the earnings call (via Eurogamer).
Wilson said the ‘next-gen development focus’ pertains to the nature of the gameplay for the forthcoming first-person shooter, set to do battle with Activision’s next Call of Duty instalment later this year.
He said it’s “what we can do with fidelity of the game, what we can do with physics, artificial intelligence and the immersive nature of the game.
“And in the case of Battlefield, what we can do with respect to the amount of plays that we can have in the game and the nature of destruction of those only in Battlefield moments that are truly next-gen opportunities that we’re able to do in the context of our next-gen franchises, because of the increased processing power in memory and output of the new consoles.”
What the experience will be for the PS4 and Xbox One gamers currently unable to enjoy those next-gen advantages remains to be seen. However, it’s likely to be a free update for all users, if they’re able to grab a PS5 or Xbox Series X/S in time for Christmas.
Earlier this week the official Battlefield Twitter account dropped a hint we can expect a full announcement in June. That will likely see the first trailers outlining the setting and plot for the new game.