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Video: What’s new in the Galaxy Note 7? – The Refresh

Welcome to The Refresh, a weekly series where we pick out the week’s highlights from the tech world.

This week’s top story:

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – Sean Keach (@SeanKeach) explains everything we know so far about the upcoming Galaxy Note 7, including recent images, price leaks and expected August 2nd launch.

Also in the news this week:

Pokémon Go – Now officially available in the UK on iOS and Android, Pokémon Go is continuing to take over the world. Joe Roberts (@Jaroberts8) and Brett Phipps (@InverteBrett) head out to London’s South Bank to find out what it’s all about and see if they can catch any elusive Pokémon.

Sky in 4K  – If you own a 4K TV, you’ll finally be able to watch Ultra HD content with Sky Q Silver from August 13th including 124 live Premier League games, over 70 movies and every race from Formula 1 2017.

Holographic Golf – The PGA Tour and Microsoft have teamed up to create a new app for HoloLens, Microsoft’s upcoming augmented reality headset where you can explore courses, follow shots and track player scorecards.


Tesla Autopilot – In this weeks Head-to-Head, Andy Vandervell (@AndyVan) and Sean Keach (@SeanKeach) tackle the issue of Tesla’s autopilot and the future of driverless cars, following a fatal accident involving a Tesla Model S in autopilot.

Related: Pokémon GO Beginner’s Guide

Tune in next Friday for another episode of The Refresh with Tom Honeyands (@TheTechChap).

We hope you enjoyed the show and please let us know what you’d like to see in the comments.

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