‘Free forever’ broadband with Sky Sports: Here are all the catches…

Sky has announced a pre-football season promotion, entitling Sky Sports subscribers to free Sky Broadband service, so long as they keep up their tariffs.
The deal offers ‘free forever’ Sky Fibre Broadband, with speeds maxing out at about 38Mbps (via ISPreview.co.uk)
The service is worth £10 a month to paying customers with usage metered at 25GB per month.
If you want unlimited downloads, Sky will offer a £10 discount on the £20 Sky Fibre Unlimited Service.
Related: Sky Q Price: How much will it really cost you?
Users will need to maintain subscriptions to Sky TV, Sky Sports (from £47.50 a month) , Sky Fibre, Sky Talk (voice calls which are up to £12 a month) and Sky Line Rental £17.40) a month. The cost of the router being delivered is also £7.
There’s also fibre activation fee of up to £50 where applicable to EXISTING Sky Sports and Sky Broadband providers.
If taking advantage of the offer, existing subscribers will also have to commit for another 12 months if they wish to maintain free broadband.
Is all of this really worth free access to a £10 a month service? Share your thoughts below.