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FIFA 21 joins EA Play and Game Pass next week

What started as a bad week in FIFA-land is ending on a good note with news FIFA 21 is joining EA Play next month and, by extension, the Game Pass platform on Xbox.

Standalone EA Play subscribers on PlayStation, Xbox and PC will get access to the game on May 6, as will anyone currently enrolled in the all-you-can-eat Game Pass platform, of which EA Play is a part.

Access to FIFA 21 will also be inclusive of the new PS5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles, so you can enjoy a the version of the game optimised for next-gen consoles, which includes “enhanced player likenesses, stadium lighting, atmospheres, pre-match cinematics, and big goal moments bring you a next level matchday experience.”

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The addition to Game Pass gives Microsoft yet another string to its bow when attempting to convince gamers Xbox is the place to play in this generation.

There’s no news yet on whether FIFA 21 will join the Xbox Cloud Gaming library that enables Game Pass Ultimate subscribers to enjoy games on Android devices and soon, via the web browser, on iOS. Right now Madden 20 is the only game from the EA Sports stable available to play on the cloud.

All in all, it’s a good end to the week for EA Sports lovers following a the revival of the controversy over loot boxes in the FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT) game mode. A leaked internal document revealed EA was driving players to the mode, which houses the mystery item hauls that have been likened to gambling or games of chance.

“We are doing everything we can to drive players there,” EA said in describing FUT as a “cornerstone” of the franchise.

“We do not ‘push’ people to spend in our games,” EA Sports said in a blog post responding to the reports. “Where we provide that choice, we are very careful not to promote spending over earning in the game, and the majority of FIFA players never spend money on in-game items.”

“Players will be actively messaged and incentivised to convert throughout the summer,” the document also said. “All roads lead to FUT” another section of the document begins.

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