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FIFA 15 gameplay trailer released

A brand new FIFA 15 gameplay trailer has been released, highlighting the game’s heightened visual realism.

The FIFA 15 release date has been set for September 26, but until then EA Sports was bound to tease us with the upcoming new features being introduced with the game.

One of the main features that fans of the series will notice with FIFA 15 is the enhanced graphics and evolving pitches during matches, so EA Sports has chosen to dedicate the first gameplay trailer to these features.

“From the most realistic players ever created in a FIFA title, to fully realised arenas with living pitches, this year we’ve brought a whole new level of visuals to the game,” said Nick Channon, Senior Producer on FIFA 15.

EA Sports has overhauled the lighting system for the game, allowing it to really change how the players appear and increase their likeness to their real life counterparts. Plus, these lighting changes enable a more natural environment to be created in the game.

Aside from the visuals of the players, FIFA 15 offer better body rigging to make sure all the actions of each players is accurately represented. Plus, you’ll notice your players breathing heavier as they get tired and if you’re using a player like David Luiz, you’ll be able to watch their hair move as they run for the first time.

Although hair animations may not get you too excited, EA Sports has tweaked the kit animations too to make them more realistically too. It’ll also get visibly dirtier as the match progresses, picking up mud and grass stains with each tackle.

What we particularly loved during our hands-on with FIFA 15 is the fact that the pitch weathers and evolves as you play, with boots and slide tackles leaving marks on the grass. In wet weather your boots will send up spray too.

This all really helps the immersiveness of FIFA 15, building the realism beyond your average football simulator.

Other subtle details EA Sports is adding include reactive corner flags, nets that move according the shots made, even the goalposts reverberating as the ball rebounds off them.

“Incredible visuals are only one part of the FIFA 15 story. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more upcoming innovations including emotion and intensity and player control.”

Read more: Best PS4 games 2014

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