Fallout 4’s latest update teaches Codsworth a bunch of new names

The latest patch for Fallout 4 is now available on PC, and your name could be part of it.
By downloading the update you will add 300 new names to Codsworth’s in-game library, which will be used to address the player while wandering the wasteland and during conversations.
It’s a cool little feature, and the fact that Bethesda is actively adding to it is even better. You can check if your name is included thanks to this handy post on Reddit.
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The new patch is rolling out for Xbox One next week, although the PS4 version has yet to be dated.
You can check out the full list of patch notes below:
New Features
- ExitSave – Exiting to the Main Menu will create an ExitSave. During next play session, the ExitSave will delete itself after you load it. The Existsave works in all difficulty levels including Survival.
- New Add On specific icons in Workshop mode
- More than 300 new player names added to Codsworth’s vocabulary
- Support for upcoming Add Ons
- General stability and performance improvements
- Fixed a crash related to targeting an enemy weapon while in VATS
- Fixed an issue where a Companion would become stuck walking and unable to run
- Fixed issue in “Mankind Redefined” to prevent the player from getting stuck in elevators while in Mass Fusion Building
- In “Boston After Dark” quest now completes properly when waiting for Old Man Stockton
- Fixed occasional issue where player would become permanently invisible
- Dead settlers can no longer be commanded or assigned to supply lines
- Fixed issue where deleting saved games would cause other saves to disappear
- Fixed occasional issues with activating mods that did not come from Bethesda.net
- Minor bug fixes and optimizations to Mods load order and browsing