Evidence of iOS support found in Android Wear

Rumours of iOS support on Android Wear have taken a turn for the more convincing with the discovery of some interesting code.
The developer who opened up a form of Android Wear iOS support with a hack last month has now discover evidence of a potential official solution.
As Android Authority reports, MohammadAG recently discovered a way to take iPhone calls on your Android Wear smartwatch without the need of a jailbroken iPhone. He then tweeted that “#AndroidWear 4.4W (didn’t check 5.0) contains iOS related code(!)”
Of course, the mere presence of iOS code in a Google product doesn’t signify that support is imminent – merely that Google has left the option open for a future date, as it has done in past.
However, a report from a French website earlier in the month claimed that Google would be releasing an Android Wear app onto the iOS App Store in May.
There’s also the simple fact that iOS compatibility would be a very smart move from Google. The Apple Watch will hit shops next month, and it’s sure to become the most popular smartwatch around almost overnight.
Read More: Apple Watch vs Android Wear
It’s also going to be one of the most expensive smartwatches available, of course. The result will be increased demand for cheaper but functionally similar smartwatch alternatives that also work with the iPhone.
Put simply, the Apple Watch could be the best thing to happen to Android Wear since the platform’s launch – provided Google can capitalise by adding iOS support soon.