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EE: 14 million 4G customers by end of year

There’s no denying it; EE is the market leader when it comes to 4G networks.

But exactly how big is EE’s grip on the nation? The company today revealed the scale of its operations at a press event right here in London.

“We will have more than 14 million customers on 4G at the end of this year,” said Olaf Swantee, EE’s CEO.

Swantee also announced that EE currently serves over 500,000 B2B customers with its 4G network.

According to EE, the company now offers 4G in 666 large towns and cities, as well as over 6,900 villages and small towns.

That equates to around 93% of the UK population, while EE’s double-speed 4G now covers 75% of the population.

Those are impressive figures, and highlight the significant success of EE, despite being new to the market.

“On the 30th of October, it will be exactly 3 years ago when we switched on our 4G network in 10 cities,” the EE boss said.

He added: “We have, as a company, gone through our own transformation.”

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The CEO also revealed that consumer data usage has grown four times since the company began offering 4G.

He also highlighted the “explosion of video usage” on mobile devices amongst UK consumers.

In response to this uptake, Swantee described how EE hopes to eventually create a “defect-free network”.

To that end, the company will do its best to rid its service of connection dropouts.

Have you ever used EE’s network? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

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