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Apple’s Eddy Cue hates the idea of a ‘skinny’ TV bundle

Apple executive Eddy Cue says Apple’s entertainment ambitions don’t involve rivalling Netflix or taking on the US cable industry giants with a likeminded service.

Speaking to the Hollywood Reporter in a wide-ranging interview the key member of Apple’s Jedi Council also said he was no fan of the “skinny bundle” of TV content the company is reportedly trying to offer through the Apple TV.

Cue said these bundles often involve customers paying more for less content.  

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He said:  “Whether we’re providing it or somebody else is, it really doesn’t matter to us. What we’re trying to do is build the platform that allows anybody to get content to consumers… As a matter of fact, I’m not a big fan of the skinny bundle.

I think it’s a misconception. Most people, at the end of the day, end up paying more, not less, for the things they love. With TV content being at an all-time high, why are people asking for less? It has a lot to do with the way it’s being provided. If I feel like I’m not getting my money’s worth, then I want to pay less and I want less things.”

Cue went on to echo many of his boss Tim Cook’s comments on the poor delivery of current TV services.

He said users still have to go hunting for channels and content, when they could simply speak and summon the programming they want or simply have a system that should know what they like to watch.

The executive also says Apple has no current plans to dive headfirst into the original content business, except to complement its Apple Music offering. For example, a documentary following Taylor Swift on tour will accompany her library on the streaming service.

He added: “Probably not right now. We’re not in the business of trying to create TV shows. If we see it being complementary to the things we’re doing at Apple Music or if we see it being something that’s innovative on our platform, we may help them and guide them and make suggestions. But we’re not trying to compete with Netflix or compete with Comcast.”

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