Disney trolls Star Wars’ Mark Hamill with hilarious badge fail

It seems the power of the First Order is greater than we initially realised…
Mark Hamill has been involved in a colossal gaffe while visiting Disney’s London HQ.
The actor, famous for playing Luke Skywalker in four Star Wars movies to date, posted a picture of his visitor pass with his name spelled wrong.
Check it out:
Unfortunately for Hamill, it seems that playing one of cinema’s most iconic characters isn’t enough to warrant a correctly spelled name-badge.
And if we were being really pedantic, we’d also complain that Lucasfilm shouldn’t have a space in the middle, as written on the badge. The Force is not strong with this one.
Disney bought Lucasfilm – and the rights to Star Wars – in 2012 for $4.06 billion, and announced three new Star Wars films as a result of the acquisition.
The first, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, debuted on December 18 last year, and now ranks as the third-highest grossing film of all time, only beaten by Avatar and Titanic.
Mark Hamill starred as Luke Skywalker in the original 1977 Star Wars movie, and reprised the role in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Return of the Jedi (1983), and The Force Awakens (2015).
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