Destiny update 2.0 will have huge affect on your favourite weapons

Bungie has announced that the Destiny update 2.0 will have sweeping affects on your favourite weapons.
In a lengthy blog post, Bungie has outlined some major changes that are coming to Destiny and its weapons. Changes that will affect the way you play co-operatively, in multiplayer and the way your favourite weapons function.
According to Bungie Designer, Jon Weisnewsky, there are some across the board changes come to auto-rifles, hand cannons, shotguns, pulse rifles, fusion rifles and rocket launchers.
It seems that update 2.0 will slightly reduce the effectiveness of hand cannons. But, auto rifles and scout rifles are going to get a boost. Although it does sound like a lot of the tweaks are nuanced.
Weisnewski goes on to explain Bungie’s goals for each class and that this is all in pursuit of making the overall gameplay more balanced.
“This update has been a long time coming, but I’m very happy to be here again to talk about some pending weapon changes. This time around, we’re hitting a lot of stuff so I hope you’re wearing your reading pants,” says Weisnewski.
“Some of these changes are intended to make you feel better while killing with the weapon, and some are intended to make you feel better while being killed by the weapon.”
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But, there are also specific, important changes coming to existing exotic weapons.
Some of the less popular exotics are receiving the biggest changes, including Hard Light, Nechrocasm and No Land Beyond. Bungie is trying to make them more powerful and thus more appealing to players.
You might be slightly more concerned about the changes inbound for the likes of the Thorn, Icebreaker, Gjallarhorn.
“We want to preserve the functionality that makes Thorn such a compelling weapon, but its effective range and lethality are one of the most hotly contended items by the PVP player base,” explained Weisnewski.
Thorn users will soon find the Mark of the Devourer damage over time perks to be a lot less lethal in competitive multiplayer.
As for our favourite, the Gjallarhorn, the rocket launcher is getting a downgrade too. Wolfpack rounds, the tracking cluster missiles that spawn upon detenation are having their damage reduced by an unspecified amount.
“We definitely intended to have a high damage Heavy Weapon that was ideal for PvE destruction,” Weisnewski said. “What we did not intend, and what we unfortunately saw, was pick up Raid and Nightfall groups gating participation based on whether or not players had this weapon.”
“Gjallarhorn was so strong that for many people it had become the only answer to getting through tough encounters, and therefore they were less willing to spend time with other players that didn’t have it.”
Read the full list of inbound changes on the Destiny Blog ahead of the expected update 2.0 release on September 15 alongside The Taken King EP.