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Destiny April update detailed by Bungie

The Destiny April update contents have been revealed in full, and include a new Strike, more loot and even a higher Light level for Guardians to aim for.

Bungie provided details on the forthcoming update in a blog post, following a Twitch stream which also shed light on what’s to come.

Firstly, the maximum Light level has been raised to 335, and with it, the difficulty of the Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx, Heroic Strikes, Nightfall Strikes, and in the King’s Fall Raid has been raised. But fear not, the potential rewards for all of these has also been lifted.

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The Prison of Elders also has a new level 41 challenge too, including eight updated bosses. You can also take on Variks in a brand new mode: Challenge of the Elders, which includes score-tracking, weekly boss battles and new rewards.

There’s a new quest line featuring the Blighted Chalice Strike, where you and your team will have to conduct an assault on the Dreadnaught. Finally, a new Taken Strike: Winter’s Run.

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The Destiny April update will go live on April 6, but new rewards will drop for players a little sooner on March 30.


Are you still playing Destiny? Does this update excite you? Or have you moved on to other games and are awaiting news of Destiny 2? Let us know in the comments below.

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