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Dead Rising 3 coming exclusively to Xbox One

Dead Rising 3 will be launching as an Xbox One exclusive this holiday season, confirmed today as part of Microsoft’s E3 showcase event.

The latest instalment in Capcom’s successful series has been confirmed as an Xbox One exclusive coming in the “holidays” 2013 period, starring Nick Ramos.

Taking place three days after a massive outbreak in Los Perdidos, California, Dead Rising 3 is described as an open-world zombie game that leverages the enormous power of Microsoft’s cloud computing to allow unprecidented detail and freedom.

Everything you find can be used as a weapon, and items can be combined in increasingly creative ways. Using cloth to bind a flashlight to your handgun is one rudimentary example; joining a chainsaw and a sledgehammer together produces a more dramatic effect in what promises to be more violent gameplay than ever before.

Vehicles can be used extensively to move around the huge gameplay world. You won’t score a Carmageddon-style Splatter Bonus but that shouldn’t stop you mowing down dozens of zombies with your muscle car. Beware: there is such as thing as too many dead zombies to drive through and you risk getting swamped with no method of escape.

Capcom has integrated Xbox Smartglass, allowing you to use your smartphone or tablet as a map with which to call in artillery strikes to destroy a large portion of the infected.

The Dead Rising 3 game will be available this holiday period exclusively on the Xbox One, though we’re sure that the PS4 will receive the game at some point in the future.

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