Capcom responds to Street Fighter 5 complaints: ‘We underestimated demand’

Since launching in February, Street Fighter 5 has been the target of widespread criticism over a lack of content.
Capcom has now responded to fan complaints that the single-player portion of Street Fighter V isn’t fleshed out enough.
Speaking in an interview with Game Informer, the game’s executive producer, Yoshinori Ono, explained where it all went wrong.
He continued: “That said, we are excited about the two all-new single-player modes – character story and survival – and we have plans to continue to refine and expand onto those experiences.”
According to Ono, Capcom hopes to support Street Fighter 5 for a long time, which might help assuage concerned players.
“As we’ve stated in the past, Street Fighter V is an evolving platform that will continue to get more refined and built upon over time,” explained Ono.
“For us, this is a marathon and not a spring, and we appreciate all of the words of support as we embark on this journey together.”
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Ono blamed the studio’s focus on hardcore players as the reason why the multiplayer feels significantly more complete than the single-player portion of the game.
“We understand that if we had more features ready at launch, it probably would’ve been better received by some of our more casual fans who tend to enjoy Street Fighter more via single-player content, as opposed to competitive play,” revealed Ono.
“We understand that the game serves several needs and we’ll continue to work hard to strike that perfect balance so that we can live up to our ‘Street Fighter for all’ mission.”
What do you think of Street Fighter 5? Let us know in the comments.