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Battlefield 1 maps, modes and campaign details leaked

An extensive number of details for Battlefield 1 have surfaced following a datamine of the closed alpha.

The closed alpha is currently taking place for a select number of players, all of which are forbidden from sharing extensive information.

Fortunately that hasn’t stopped some crafty Redditors from datamining all the major details they can for the game.

Lobix300 has done just that, revealing the modes, maps and campaign details for DICE’s upcoming shooter.

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The leak confirms that Battlefield 1 will have a total of seven game modes, with old favourites such as Rush and Conquest returning alongside new modes Possession and Breakthrough.

In addition, it was revealed that the game will have 10 multiplayer maps at launch, with more to come after in the form of DLC.

The filenames of each map give us a decent idea of what to expect, and that many of the locations will take inspiration from real-life battlefields:

  • MP_Amiens
  • MP_Chateau
  • MP_Desert
  • MP_FaoFortress
  • MP_Forest
  • MP_Argonne
  • MP_ItalianCoast
  • MP_MountainFort
  • MP_Scar
  • MP_Suez

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Battlefield 1’s campaign will apparently take place across six individual episodes, all of which will follow different characters in varying locations.

The single-player portions of Battlefield games don’t have the best track record, so hopefully Battlefield 1 has some unexpected surprises in store.

Players will have access to a total of 37 weapons throughout the base game, and stats such as Horse Wounded and Horse Killed are now tracked online.

Battlefield 1 is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 21. The open beta is set to take place this summer.

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