Apple Watch will reportedly require nightly charge

Sources claim that the new Apple Watch will only have a day of battery life in it.
Apple revealed a lot about its heavily anticipated smartwatch on Tuesday, but it kept curiously schtum on one of the fundamental issues – how long it would last on a single battery charge.
Now Recode is reporting a figure that most will not have wanted to hear. The Apple Watch will last just a day on a single charge, just like all of the Android Wear smartwatches that preceded it.
“We anticipate that people will charge nightly which is why we designed an innovative charging solution that combines our MagSafe technology and inductive charging,” says Apple spokeswoman Nat Kerris.
Of course, that’s a little different from confirming that the Apple Watch will be incapable of lasting longer than a day between charges. However, a second, unnamed source claims that Apple Watch battery life is “about a day right now.”
The “right now” bit offers a small sliver of hope to fans of the concept, as Apple hasn’t quite finalised the Apple Watch design just yet. Indeed, according to the report, Apple still isn’t happy with its first wearable’s stamina at present.
Whether Apple can do anything about it before the Apple Watch’s early 2015 release is another matter entirely.
It seems there’ll be quite a bedside collection of expensive gadgets each night once the wearable revolution kicks off in earnest. Better get that four-way AC extension cable ready.
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