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Apple TV, iPad Pro pre-orders begin at some European retailers

While Apple is yet to officially confirm the selling arrangements for the new iPad Pro and refreshed Apple TV, some authorised resellers in Europe are already taking pre-orders.

Scandinavian retailer Elgiganent is offering pre-orders in Denmark and Norway for both the 32GB and 64GB Apple TV models and is promising delivery in November (via MacRumors).

Cyberport in Germany gets more specific, promising a November 5 delivery for the Siri-powered 4th Gen Apple TV. If true, that’d be the first indication of an actual release date.

The Germans are offering the box for 179 and 239, which is the first time we’ve heard news on European pricing too.

Cyberport is also opening pre-orders for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro, but isn’t committing to a delivery date at this time beyond Apple’s blanket ‘November.’

See also: iPad Pro: 6 reasons to want one

So, Germans who feel like pre-ordering an iPad Pro can now ’in den warekorb,’ while Danes who’d like to reserve their Apple TV can also ‘læg i indkøbsvogn.’

When the rest of us will be able to hit that all-important ‘add to cart’ button remains to be seen, but at least the wheels are now in motion.

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