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Android 4.4.3 screenshots show updated look

Images from a Google employee’s Nexus 5 handset appear to have revealed a new-look contacts app set to feature in Android 4.4.3.

Earlier in the week a Tweet from Google to a customer revealed a new-look dialer for the next version of Android, 4.4.3. Now, more leaked screenshots indicate that there is a new look for the phonebook too.

Visually, the style reminds us of the Gmail app. Contacts are represented by a large, coloured square, with the first initial of the contact displayed in large type.

Contacts who have a picture attached show as a large image instead, presumably this can be pulled directly from Google where relevant.

The dialer app seems to have gone from a dull grey colour to a more interesting light blue, but for the most part the visual change isn’t as striking as the new-look contacts list.

The leaked screenshots appear to have come from a Google employee’s Nexus 5. As with all Google’s Android updates, the Nexus phones and tablets get access to them first, while other manufacturers add in their own software and user interface tweaks.

It seems likely that the update will roll out sometime between now and Google’s IO event which starts on the 25th of June.

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Via: Android Community

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