Amazon to refund US hoverboard purchases over fire risks
Amazon is offering full refunds to customers who’ve purchased the two-wheeled, no-handled scooters often incorrectly referred to as hoverboards.
That’s according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is investigating manufacturers over various reports the scooters are catching fire.
The government office says Amazon is taking further action after already removing some models from back sale in December.
US CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye says (via Fox News): “I am pleased that at least one leading retailer is erring on the side of caution and taking action now.
“For consumers who purchased a hoverboard from Amazon, they can return the product right now for a full refund.
Amazon itself is yet to officially confirm the refund policy or make a statement on the matter.
Popular over Christmas, the so-called hoverboards, which of course don’t actually hover, have led to controversy beyond the apparent fire risk related to poorly manufactured products.
See also: Riding a hoverboard? Everything you need to know
Kaye also points out the CPSC is also investigating the risk off falling off the boards.
He added: “I am concerned, for example, that the current designs of these products might not take fully into consideration the different weights of different users, potentially leading to the units speeding up or lurching in a manner that a user would not have reason to anticipate, especially a first-time user.
“We are looking deeper into the design of these products to see if they present a hidden hazard that is leading to fall injuries that should not occur, even on a product that presents some risk of falling.“
If Amazon is planning to refund everyone who purchased a hoverboard, one would expect that policy to be extended to buyers in the UK.
Have you experienced issues with hover boards purchased over the festive period? Would you like a refund just to be on the safe side? Have you suffered any unfortunate spills that have led to injury? Share your thoughts and stories below.