Amazon Kindle Oasis leaked and its lefty friendly

Amazon is planning to announce a new Kindle Reader this week, but a leak on Monday afternoon appears to have spoiled the party.
According to a now-removed Tmall Page, the new ‘top of the line’ reader will be called the Kindle Oasis.
Judging by the pictures on show (via Motherboard), it has been designed with both left-handed and right-handed users in mind.
The unorthodox design, a break from the likes of the Paperwhite and Voyager, there’s a large bezel on the left or right side, depending on how users choose to hold the device.
See also: Which Kindle should you buy?
In order to keep the 300ppi screen pristine there are also page turning buttons baked into the bezel.
Meanwhile, the translated leak says there are now 60 per cent more LED’s inside the device, which is 20 per cent lighter than its predecessors at 131 grams. At its thinnest point the Kindle Oasis will be 3.4mm, while it’ll be just 8.5mm at its thickest.
Combined with the case, the Kindle Oasis will have the best battery life in the range, according to the leak.
Despite the name ‘Kindle Oasis,’ which Amazon owns the domain name for, there’s no word on any waterproofing tech.
All that’s left now is for Jeff Bezos to officially unveil the device later this week and confirm whether this leak is legit.
Are you in the market for a new e-reader? Share your wishes in the comments section below.