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A Star Wars VR story starring Darth Vader is in the works

As anticipation starts to ramp up ahead of the upcoming Rogue One film, it seems Lucasfilm has other Star Wars plans in the works.

At the Star Wars Celebration in London this weekend, Lucasfilm creative executive Pablo Hidalgo announced a new virtual reality story, focused on Darth Vader, is in production.

Led by Industrial Light & Magic’s xLAB division, the VR experience is being penned by veteran screenwriter David S. Goyer (Batman Begins, Man of Steel).

Goyer’s story will delve into the Sith Lord’s past and will be an official story within the Star Wars universe, adding to the canon.

Related: What is virtual reality?

What’s more, the experience will be interactive, allowing you to pick up objects and interact with the universe, rather than simply watching the action.

Speaking at the event, Goyer said: “You don’t play it. You be it. You’re in it. You’re part of the story.

“The world I came up with, that I’m pushing, is you are ‘the visitor’ – the visitor in this story that’s happening around you that you may have some effect on.

You can pick up things, you can open things, you can push things. You can walk and touch characters.”

The project is yet to be named, but will feature other familiar characters from the Star Wars universe and is based on a persistent world that continues whether you’re using the headset or not.

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It seems fans have got a while to wait until they can become part of the action however, with Goyer saying the finished product won’t be available for another year or two.

In the mean time, HTC Vive owners can download the new VR experience from ILM’s xLAB, Trials on Tatooine, starting Monday.

It will be available on the Steam VR service for free, and should provide something to tide fans over until the Darth Vader project drops.


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