How we source coupon codes & more FAQs

We have plenty of pages available on our site for some of the biggest online retailers, from Amazon to Zalando. We’re even lucky enough to have access to some exclusive codes you won’t find elsewhere. On this page, I’ll explain how we find these codes, as well as how you can use them and what to do if the coupon isn’t working.
How do we source coupon codes?
We have multiple team members, based in our London office, who regularly check for new deals and on-site discounts from all of the retailers we have dedicated coupon pages for.
We also have access to information via each retailer’s affiliate network which makes spotting discounts even more effective. On top of that, our commercial team is frequently in contact with various retailers helping to secure codes that give you big discounts exclusively via our site.
How can you use coupon codes?
Discover a coupon for redemption in one of our articles. Locate the blue button within the coupon widget, labeled “GET DEAL” or similar. Clicking this button will take you to the relevant area of the retailer’s website in a new tab.
If there is a code required to make use of the discount, it will be right above the blue button mentioned above. Make sure you copy and paste that code when prompted on the retailer’s website.
Navigate to this newly opened tab to begin shopping. Have a look at the available products and add items to your shopping cart. Be mindful if your discount pertains to specific product types or order values to ensure eligibility for savings during checkout.
Once ready to proceed with your purchase, click on your shopping cart to review the order. Any applied discounts will be visible here. Additionally, you can input unique discount codes to apply further savings. The subsequent steps vary based on the type of discount being redeemed.
If there is no code required to enjoy the discount, your savings should already be reflected in the order total—confirm this before proceeding. However, if you do need a code, manually enter your code in the designated ‘Promo code’ field to apply the discount.
While checkout layouts may vary among retailers, the ‘promo code’ field is typically accessible before entering payment details. Look for a clickable field or text box, enter your code, apply it, and verify the discount before finalizing your order.
What do I do if the coupon isn’t working?
Our coupons team works hard to bring you top-quality coupon codes, ensuring you’ll only find valid offers on our pages. Each coupon undergoes testing, and we don’t list any one-time use or user-specific codes.
If a coupon doesn’t work at checkout, first check if it applies to your order items — some discounts have minimum spend requirements or apply only to certain products (like 10% off selected TVs).
Though we test every coupon, sometimes offers expire or change before we can update them. If you have any issues with a coupon code, drop us an email at Just give us details on the code and the page it was on, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. Your input helps us improve!