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How to play the secret Lunar New Year Google game

To celebrate the beginning of Lunar New Year, Google has hidden a classic game in plain sight. 

Considering the Lunar New Year also marks the start of the Year of the Snake, it’s only fitting that Google integrated the classic mobile game, Snake, into its home page.

If indulging in some nostalgic gameplay is exactly how you’d like to celebrate Lunar New Year, then follow our steps below to get started.

What you’ll need:

  • Visit the Google home page on either mobile, tablet or PC

The short version:

  • Access the Google home page
  • Tap on the Google Doodle
  • Start playing
  1. Step

    Access the Google home page

    There are numerous ways to access Google’s home page. One of the easiest ways is to simply launch Google Chrome on your smartphone, tablet or computer and open a new tab. 

    Otherwise, if you’re using another browser then simply visit to reach its home page.
    Google Chrome iPhone app with Lunar New Year Google Doodle

  2. Step

    Tap on the Google Doodle illustration

    Simply click or tap on the Snake illustration, as shown here. If you look closely, you’ll see the play button “hidden” on the image.
    Google Chrome iPhone app with Lunar New Year Google Doodle highlighted

  3. Step

    Start playing

    After you’ve clicked the illustration, the Snake game should appear automatically. You’ll also see a guide to show you how to play, illustrated either with finger swipes or the arrow keys on a keyboard.
    Google Doodle Lunar New Year Snake game


Why hasn’t the game started automatically after tapping the illustration?

If the game doesn’t load automatically then look for the blue Play button, as shown here. If you still can’t access the game, then try closing and reopening the tab instead.Google Chrome iPhone app with Lunar New Year Google Doodle with Play option

How long will the Lunar New Year Doodle be around for?

Launched at the start of Lunar New Year (29th January 2025), we would expect the Doodle to stick around until the end of the festival, which should be the 13th February 2025. However, we don’t have a specific time frame confirmed from Google.

How can I find the Snake illustration on Safari?

If you use Safari then remember, as its address bar is powered by Google, you will see the Snake illustration while scrolling through Google Search results too, as shown here. Like the above, you just need to tap here to launch the game.Safari app displaying Google Doodle at top

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